Commerciële Fotografie Jan-Clemens Lampe Soms accepteer ik commerciële opdrachten, welke door hun onderwerp in mijn interessesfeer liggen.Zo verzorgde ik
PR-fotografie voor de Cabaretgroep Crème Fraîche
(John Schleipen, Jacq Lucassen, Patrick Hesdahl, Wim Hoen / later Pieter van Santen)
In voorgaande jaren werd voor de nieuwe producties van deze cabaretgroep voor publiciteitsdoeleinden de fotografie verzorgd, o.a. voor de posters. Crème Fraîche werd in 2003 ontbonden, waarna John Schleipen solo verder ging.
Programma "Sec" "A la Minute" Crème Passionel" 1998/1999
"Fine de Siècle" 1999/2000 Foto affiche programma "Cinq" 2001/2002
Foto's © Jan-Clemens Lampe ®
"Fin de Siècle" in boekvorm
Door Prometheus in Amsterdam werd op 22 mei 2000 de tekst van "Fin de Siècle" van Crème Fraîche uitgebracht in boekvorm.
Tekst John Schleipen; Omslag ontwerp John Schleipen / Monique Beemster
Foto's omslag en binnenwerk © Jan-Clemens Lampe ®
Lay-out binnenwerk: Monique Beemster
ISBN 90-5333-952-3 (UITVERKOCHT)
Fotografie voor brochures en posters.
Foto's © Jan-Clemens Lampe ®
Onder andere foto Rachid Ben Ali voor buitenreclame, posters, flyers, magazine en affiches voor Cobra Museum Amstelveen (15.1 - 6.3 2005)
Ook voor de VVV en de Gemeente 's-Hertogenbosch werd de fotografie voor brochures verzorgd.
Foto's © Jan-Clemens Lampe ®
Posters werden respectievelijk uitgegeven door de VVV en het party centrum De Orangerie.
Agenda voor 1999 In samenwerking met J.E & Partners BV te Roosendaal met fotografie.van Jan-Clemens Lampe
Boekleggers werden voor Boekhandel Adr. Heinen ontworpen
Postcardbook in samenwerking met Boekhandel Adr. Heinen
Fotokaarten; selectie uit mijn eigen werk breng ik een serie fotokaarten.
Commercial Photography Jan-Clemens Lampe
Sometimes I accept commercial assignments, which by their subject are in my sphere of interest.
That's how I looked after
PR photography for the Cabaret group Crème Fraîche
(John Schleipen, Jacq Lucassen, Patrick Hesdahl, Wim Hoen / later Pieter van Santen)
In previous years, photography was provided for the new productions of this cabaret group for publicity purposes, including for the posters. Crème Fraîche was dissolved in 2003, after which John Schleipen went solo.
"Fin de Siècle" in book form
By Prometheus in Amsterdam on 22 May 2000 the text of "Fin de Siècle" by Crème Fraîche was published in book form.
Text John Schleipen; Cover design John Schleipen / Monique Beemster
Photos cover and inside work © Jan-Clemens Lampe ®
Layout of the inside: Monique Beemster
ISBN 90-5333-952-3 (SOLD OUT)
Photography for brochures and posters.
Among other photo Rachid Ben Ali for outdoor advertising, posters, flyers, magazine and posters for Cobra Museum Amstelveen (15.1 - 6.3 2005)
The photography for brochures was also provided for the VVV and the Municipality of 's-Hertogenbosch.
Posters were issued by the VVV and the party center De Orangerie respectively.
Agenda for 1999 In collaboration with J.E & Partners BV in Roosendaal with photography by Jan-Clemens Lampe
Bookmarks were for Boekhandel Adr. Heinen designed
Postcardbook in collaboration with Boekhandel Adr. Heinen
Photo cards; selection from my own work I bring a series of photo cards.
Commercial Photography Jan-Clemens Lampe
Sometimes I accept commercial assignments, which by their subject are in my sphere of interest.
That's how I looked after
PR photography for the Cabaret group Crème Fraîche
(John Schleipen, Jacq Lucassen, Patrick Hesdahl, Wim Hoen / later Pieter van Santen)
In previous years, photography was provided for the new productions of this cabaret group for publicity purposes, including for the posters. Crème Fraîche was dissolved in 2003, after which John Schleipen went solo.
"Fin de Siècle" in book form
By Prometheus in Amsterdam on 22 May 2000 the text of "Fin de Siècle" by Crème Fraîche was published in book form.
Text John Schleipen; Cover design John Schleipen / Monique Beemster
Photos cover and inside work © Jan-Clemens Lampe ®
Layout of the inside: Monique Beemster
ISBN 90-5333-952-3 (SOLD OUT)
Photography for brochures and posters.
Among other photo Rachid Ben Ali for outdoor advertising, posters, flyers, magazine and posters for Cobra Museum Amstelveen (15.1 - 6.3 2005)
The photography for brochures was also provided for the VVV and the Municipality of 's-Hertogenbosch.
Posters were issued by the VVV and the party center De Orangerie respectively.
Agenda for 1999 In collaboration with J.E & Partners BV in Roosendaal with photography by Jan-Clemens Lampe
Bookmarks were for Boekhandel Adr. Heinen designed
Postcardbook in collaboration with Boekhandel Adr. Heinen
Photo cards; selection from my own work I bring a series of photo cards.